just got a msg from makye(my aunt) bout my adik sepupu, jemi...dia kemalangan motor!!! no he's at HTAR,Klang..got the msg round 311pm just now, only realise the msg at415 coz i left my hp at my room meanwhile i'm in other room..=(...straight away called makye but she didnt pick up then call his sis(cah)...cah told me that the accident agak teruk jgk smpai jemi xsedar diri lagi..masih dlm wad kecemasan...katanyer accident kat dlm uitm(dia blajar kat situ)...doc say ader hentakan sikit so kene tahan wad dulu...sp ppl pray for him that dia akan ok!!!! ;( so that dia tabah hadapi dugaan nih....insya allah klu kelas hbs awal rini wanna visit him!!! ..(really closed to him ....cousins maaa..)...
ya Allah, engkau jauhkanlah segala yang buruk terhadap sepupu ku....engkau berikanlah kekuatan buat dirinya...engkau sembuhkanlah dia dengan segera..amin...ya rabbal alamin...
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