baru balik dr taklimat utk Pegawai Tadbir Atas Panggilan @ On-Call..urrghhhh!!! ingtkan On-Call nie hanya tuk org2 klinikal + engineer ker aper ker...xtaula plak Admin Line pun kene On-Call... =( ...maybe sbb Admin in da Hospital kot..=p.....actually this is my 3rd time On-Call for PPUM but 1st time On-Call for Pilihan Raya...seblum ni just On-Call biasa jek that usually my shift will be for one week and only starts from 500pm-8am(next day) but this time of ON-Call, my shift will be on 7mac(day be4 election) starts at 1100pm-0800am(8mac)..ingtkan on standby dr umah..but then stated in the letter all officers on duty must report duty 15min be4 n for those duty start on1100pm have to stay at BILIK BENCANA till morning!!! uuurggghhhhh!!!!! malasnyer nk dok opiss...and u know wat my team ader 3org n i'm the only girl =( tapi sib baik yg 2lagi lelaki tuh GENG..ahahha..(siap dah planning nk buat aper mlm tuh nnt......tgk dvd kot..ahahha)....hancus2...hopefully nothing bad @ disaster happen on that nite...cuak jgk..almaklumla keblkgn nie kan byk sgt kes2 yg xbesh..lagi nk pilihanraya plak...cuak tuh!! buatnyer yg dtg kang kes parah2...darah sana sini...phewwwww..mau aku pengsan kang...ahahahha....really hope that nothing happen!!! malaysia aman!!! =D...
and my name is there...huhuhuh
oh ya semlm mlm gie MPH and am bought this book =D..benornya dah lama nk beli tuk kegunaan masa depan cuma baru semlm berkesempatan beli..ahhaha lepas nih konpem aras 4 tiap kali exam..ahhaha..aras 4..only goment people know!! =p....
p/s:tunangku akan amik periksa JPA on this coming tuesday...gudluck dear!! baca jgn xbaca!! BAB A-BABG hafal tau!!ehehheh....
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