yehhaa this is gud one...=D nite before my engagement day..all families ader kat umah for a last minute touch up the hantaran...makye,maktam all ada...except for my brother n his wife..mak sruh call tanya mana abg n kakak ku xsampai2...when i called..ayong ckp dia lewat ckit ader hal ngn kak effa.then round 15-20min later diaorg smpai...mcm biasa jer...tapi k.effa senyum2...=D..then all of us start touch up the hantaran until the midnite...then ayong,makye, maktam balik round 0130am..(pehhh lmbtla aku tido mlm tuh)...hehhee...lps semua dh blk..terussss mak bgtau ader news...=D...kak effa dah buat self UPT and it shows the 'line'...=D..meaning positive lor...but its still early and need to be confirmed by the doctor!!..tiba2 teringat ptg tadi goe OU ngn kak effa n my lil sis for manicure...dia singgah jap kat watson katanye mau beli brg..tapi tgk2 takder pun brgnyer...ghupenyer p beli UPT tools...(bendenye muat dlm handbag jorr..)....gosshhh we all so happy to hear that news...insya allah klu diizinkan Allah..i'm gonna be makcik!!!ahahha..starting 2008 with gud news and event in da family..1st-welcoming new member of the family..menantu lelaki..2nd- insya allah welcoming new member also @ ayong's generation @ cucus... =D...
so for further confirmation will update later...=D...taaa...
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